Lutein to the Rescue: The Eye-conic Superhero Your Peepers Need! - The Purest Co (SG)

Lutein to the Rescue: The Eye-conic Superhero Your Peepers Need!

Did you know that on average, we spend a whopping 7 to 8 hours a day staring at our phones, laptops, and tablets? Even our kiddos clock in at around 3 hours of daily screen exposure (the recommended daily screen time should only be 2 hours and children under 18 months should have no screen time at all). Yikes! It's no wonder our eyes are crying out for help, feeling strained and tired from all that digital action.

But, hold onto your glasses! We've got a fun little secret up our sleeve: lutein! This mighty antioxidant, found in scrumptious fruits and veggies like kale, spinach, and carrots, is the superhero our eyes have been waiting for. It has the power to protect our peepers from the pesky blue light emitted by devices and the big ball of fire in the sky (you know, the sun 😉).

So, buckle up and join us on this eye-popping adventure as we explore the fantastic world of lutein, and discover how this wonder nutrient can help us keep our eyes happy and healthy in this screen-crazy era!


First, what is Lutein?

Lutein is a carotenoid that is found in many fruits and vegetables, such as kale, spinach, and carrots. It is one of the only carotenoids that is specifically deposited in the eyes, where it acts as a natural sunblock, protecting the delicate tissues from the damaging effects of blue light. Lutein also acts as a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals and preventing oxidative damage to the eyes.

While lutein is found in many yummy fruits and veggies, it can be tough to get enough through our diet alone. Most people don't eat enough of the right foods, and the amount of lutein in a food can vary depending on lots of things, like how it was grown or cooked.


Importance of Lutein for Eye Health

Lutein is essential for maintaining healthy vision throughout life. It plays a critical role in protecting the eyes from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts, two of the leading causes of blindness in the world. AMD is a condition that affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision. Over time, exposure to blue light and oxidative stress can cause damage to the macula, leading to vision loss. Studies have shown that people who consume high levels of lutein and other carotenoids are less likely to develop AMD than those who consume low levels.

Cataracts are another common age-related eye condition that can be prevented or slowed down with adequate lutein intake. Cataracts occur when the lenses of the eyes become cloudy and opaque, leading to blurred vision and eventually blindness. Lutein helps protect the lenses from oxidative damage, preventing the formation of cataracts.

Difficulty Obtaining Lutein through Diet

While lutein is found in many fruits and vegetables, it can be difficult to consume enough through diet alone. Most people do not consume the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and even those who do may not be getting enough lutein-rich foods. The amount of lutein in a food can also vary widely depending on factors such as soil quality, farming practices, and cooking methods.

Foods that are particularly rich in lutein include dark, leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and collard greens, as well as orange and yellow fruits and vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and mangoes. Egg yolks are also a good source of lutein, although they are high in cholesterol and should be consumed in moderation.


Taking Lutein Supplements

That's where supplements come in! Lutein supplements are easy to find in stores and online, and they can help boost our intake of this important nutrient. Studies have shown that taking lutein supplements can reduce the risk of developing AMD and cataracts. In one study, participants who took a daily lutein supplement for one year had a 43% reduction in the risk of developing AMD compared to those who took a placebo.



So there you have it! Lutein is an important nutrient that helps keep our eyes healthy, and there are lots of ways to make sure we get enough of it. So next time you're at the grocery store, why not grab some leafy greens or carrots to help protect your peepers?

While there are many ways to get lutein into your diet, The Purest Co Eye Love Berries are a great option for those who want to boost their intake of this important nutrient. These delicious and convenient berries are packed with lutein and other eye-healthy antioxidants, making them a perfect addition to your daily routine. Plus, they're all-natural, gluten-free, and non-GMO, so you can feel good about what you're putting into your body. Give them a try and see the benefits for yourself!